
The Protagonist Speaks

Interviews with the characters of your favourite books


February 2016

Craze (of The Backworlds by M. Pax)

M Pax - The BackworldsDear readers, tonight on the guest couch with have Craze, the interstellar adventurer. Craze will tell about the The Backworlds, and the amazing sights he’s seen amongst the stars.


What are the Backworlds exactly?

The Backworlds are the outmost solar systems inhabited by humans. Backworlders are genetically modified humans, in other words, humans terrformed to fit a world instead of the world terraformed for humans. Backworlders were created by Fo’wo’s, who grew to resent us then tried to annihilate us.

What was the lowest point in your adventures?

I thought it was when my Pa threw me out of the house ‘n kicked me off the planet. I didn’t know crap then. Being the most hated man in the galaxy is a low point. A really low one. Continue reading “Craze (of The Backworlds by M. Pax)”

JoJo Smith (of The Adventures of JoJo Smith by Tony Duxbury)

The Adventures of JoJo SmithDear readers, tonight on the guest couch with me is someone who almost didn’t make it on time. JoJo Smith had an unplanned time travelling adventure, and is here to tell us all about the middle ages.



How did it feel to be transported through time?

It felt bloody terrifying. One moment I’m minding my own business, trying to get a lift home and next I’m on a different world. How would you feel? I was scared ****less. Lost doesn’t begin to describe it. The two jokers standing near weren’t at all reassuring either. I kept praying that it was all just a vivid dream, but unfortunately, it wasn’t.

What did you think of Medieval food?

To be honest, I can’t be considered a gourmet. As long as it’s hot and plentiful I’m usually satisfied. In Farrowmarsh they seemed to be big meat eaters and as I’m the same, I can’t say I was disappointed. I didn’t inquire where the meat came from, I just got stuck in every mealtime. I was more worried about hygiene than anything else. Luckily, even the lowest eating places served up clean food. Or maybe, I was just lucky? Many times I thought I was playing Russian roulette with salmonella, but you got to eat, don’t you? Anyway, I didn’t even get the shits. Imagine having the runs in a place without toilet paper! Continue reading “JoJo Smith (of The Adventures of JoJo Smith by Tony Duxbury)”

The Prancer (of The Unicorn Throne by Chrys Cymri)

Chrys Cymri - Unicorn ThroneDear readers, tonight with me (not quite on the couch), is The Prancer – the unicorn guardian off the pages of The Unicorn Throne. Let’s find out what this mystical being has to say to us humans.


Can you tell us a bit about the First Kingdom, and the origins of the animosity between the unicorns and dragons?

The People of the Trees are the first born children of the Land. We honour her and entrust our bodies to her from birth. And in turn she gives the Dancer the gift of Judgement and the Painter the gift of Healing. The Family, however, have never been accepted by the Land. They killed her original children the moment they emerged onto the Land. And, from time to time, a dragon will come and hunt from the herd. It was a dragon, the red one called the Traveller, who killed my milk-brother Storm. And I’ve promised on Storm’s grave to track down this dragon and demand from him the piece of horn he took away in his eye from their fight. Continue reading “The Prancer (of The Unicorn Throne by Chrys Cymri)”

Joe and Amber (of Summer’s Dark Waters by Simon WIlliams)

Summer's Dark Waters - Simon WilliamsDear readers, tonight with me are two extraordinary young persons. Joe and Amber have just returned to us from a series of adventures – very extraordinary adventures. One can say, out of this world adventures.



How was your life at school, before your adventures started?

Amber: It was just ordinary really, but I always felt I was trying to be someone who I actually wasn’t – like just a normal kid… sometimes I just wanted to go away and be on my own and just think about things.

Joe: Mostly I kept myself to myself. I suppose thinking back I must have known deep down that I was different, but I could never have imagined how.

What was it like, the first time you met the aliens?

Amber: Oh, the Lost? We didn’t really know what they were at first, or at least we wouldn’t have if Stephen hadn’t told us. The weird thing is, some of them ARE aliens, but some of them are human. Continue reading “Joe and Amber (of Summer’s Dark Waters by Simon WIlliams)”

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