
The Protagonist Speaks

Interviews with the characters of your favourite books


December 2015

Happy New Year – may all the novels you read this year be awesome!

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All the protagonists from your favourite novels would like to wish you a happy new year. All the antagonists wish themselves a happier year – and promise this year they’ll rule!

In order to celebrate the coming Year of The Protagonist, we have an updated look to the website! Hope you like it as much the protagonists do.

We will be back on schedule tomorrow, interviewing a very dangerous interstellar assassin!

Don’t forget to check out the Authors page. It lists all the authors and characters that have been interviewed – and those that will be published in the coming weeks!

Please follow the site by email (bottom-right), via Twitter or like our Facebook page to be notified when the next interview is posted.


Happy whatever it is you’re celebrating!

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All* the protagonists out of the pages of your favourite novels would like to wish you a happy-whatever-it-is-you’re-celebrating-this-time-of-year. Even if it’s just the public holiday.

* At least all the nice ones. The anti-heroes care less, and the antagonists really don’t.

We will resume our regular interviews next week, with a dangerous interstellar assassin! If you are looking for something to read in the meantime, why no go through our archives? We had some golden moments!


Please follow the site by email (bottom-right), via Twitter or like our Facebook page to be notified when the next interview is posted.

Marcus Falerius Fronto (of Marius’ Mules by S. J. A. Turney)


Dear readers, tonight we have with us Marcus Falerius Fronto, commander of the Tenth legion and long-time companion of Julius Caesar. Marcus Falerius comes to us off the pages of Marius’ Mules series of novels.

How was it progressing through positions to command the Tenth under Caesar?

Trouble. Seriously, no one can work alongside Caesar for any length of time without questioning what they are doing. The thing is: I remember him in Hispania as a quaestor, when I was just a fresh faced tribune. He was only in Hispania for two years and then went back to Rome, but when he came back as the governor a few years later I was still there and still in the army. Since we’d last met I had gone from being an innocent lad on the first steps of the ladder to being a battle-hardened officer, putting down endless troubles with the vicious native tribes. I had served for years then with the Ninth, refusing to quit my post after a year like most tribunes and head back to Rome to count coins or some such. Instead, I found I had something of a talent for war. The legate at the time – I forget his name, but he had a big nose and really hairy ears – held on to me. Considered me his lucky charm, I think. Anyway, by the time Caesar came back I’d fought up and down and back and forth across most of the country, and when the old coot in command of the Ninth died, Caesar gave me temporary command as a legate. Wasn’t really official, as it wasn’t a senatorial appointment and I was still quite young, I suppose, but I proved myself enough during his governorship that when he returned to Rome, I went with him and he secured me command of the Tenth. I was still their legate more than a year later when the old man led us into Gaul. The rest, as they say, is history. Continue reading “Marcus Falerius Fronto (of Marius’ Mules by S. J. A. Turney)”

Machidiel (of Aeon of Wonder by Carey Henderson)

Aeon of WonderGood evening, dear readers. Tonight we have a very special guest indeed. On the couch with me I have the angel out of the pages of The Aeon of Wonder by Carey Henderson.

Let us find out what creation was like, and what does its destruction entail for us.



What is your name?

My name is Machidiel.

How old are you?

I am not bound by your concept of time. I do not age. I exist outside what you might think of as the ‘bubble’ of Time. You might say that I am older than Time itself, for I was there at the creation of Time. Have you ever seen Time? Perhaps you will one day. It roams your Earth, devouring all in its path slowly. You simply cannot see it.

What’s the big guy like, on his days off?

You mean God, I must assume. Well, I will tell you this: He is ever the same. I believe I understand your phrase, “days off,” to mean that His watchful eye over His Creation is sometimes turned away. This is not the case. He is always watchful. And yet He is always full of joy and laughter. There seems to be a misunderstanding among you humans that He is angry. Would that you all knew Him as I do!

Continue reading “Machidiel (of Aeon of Wonder by Carey Henderson)”

Dante (of Inferno – fanfic by Jon Maas)

Portrait_de_DanteDear readers, tonight we have a special treat – Dante Alighieri, who appears as a character in his own novel Inferno, the first part of The Divine Comedy.



Dante, I understand you journeyed through Hell for your most popular book, Inferno. Could you give a brief overview of your journey for us?

Of course! I started my journey on the night of Good Friday in the year of our Lord 1300. I was 35 years old at the time.

I found myself lost in the woods and the shade of Virgil visited me, and said that I could find Paradise, but I would have to go through Hell to get there.

For you modern folk, please note that at the time we called spirits shades, i.e. shadows of what they once were when they were alive.

Regardless, I accepted Virgil’s suggestion, and what follows became Inferno. Continue reading “Dante (of Inferno – fanfic by Jon Maas)”

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